Training Piping Engineering and Plant Design adalah program Training Engineering dari PT Gama Semesta Konsultindo. Training Piping Engineering and Plant Design diselenggarakan di Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang dan Bali.
Deskripsi Pelatihan / Training Piping Engineering and Plant Design
Upon completion of this course, attendees will have knowledge of piping engineering and plant design requirements and be able to begin applying them in their work.
Materi Pelatihan / Training Piping Engineering and Plant Design
- Material selection considerations
- Fittings, flanges, and gaskets
- Valve functions, types, and selection procedure
- Loads and stresses
- Pressure design of components
- System layout considerations
- Pipe supports and restraints
- Piping flexibility
- Design information required for piping stress analysis
- Criteria for equipment nozzle loads
- Fabrication, assembly, erection, inspection, and testing
- Other considerations:
- Non-metallic piping
- Category M fluid service
- High pressure piping
- Latest technology on piping design
Peserta Pelatihan / Training Piping Engineering and Plant Design
Designer, Maintenance Manager / Superintendent / Supervisor / Engineer
Instruktur Pelatihan / Training Piping Engineering and Plant Design
Ir. Rini Dharmastiti, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Waktu dan Tempat Pelatihan / Training Piping Engineering and Plant Design
- 3 (hari) kerja, di Hotel berbintang Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang dan Bali
- Available untuk kelas kecil dan kelas besar
- Metode pelatihan dapat diselenggarakan secara online maupun offline
- Fasilitas : Modul, sertifikat, training kit, souvenir, lunch, 2x coffee break